The Moby Programming Language
Other software
These are software libraries that the Moby system
They are available from other locations, but the versions here are
guaranteed to work with the Moby distribution.
NOTE: as of Moby version 0.9.5, you do not need
separate copies of the MLRISC and CKit libraries (assuming that your
SML/NJ installation includes them).
See the installation notes
in the
User Guide for more details.
asdlGen is a tool for generating data marshalling and unmarshalling
code from a high-level specification.
It is used to implement pickling of MBI files in the Moby
You only need asdlGen installed if you are modifying the internal
representations of the Moby compiler or are building
from the CVS repository.
This version of asdlGen has been modified to work with
SML/NJ versions 110.43+.
Last modified: February 25, 2004.
Comments to:
John Reppy