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mobyc --- a compiler for the Moby programming language.


mobyc file ...


The mobyc command is used to compile and link Moby programs.


-?, --help

Display a list of command-line options and then exit. If this option used in conjunction with the -v flag, a more detailed list of options is displayed (including internal debugging flags).

-t, --threads

Enable the concurrency features of Moby and link with the multithreaded versions of the Moby libraries and runtime system.

-T, --checkonly


Creates an assembly file for each named source file, but does not produce object files or executables. The assembly-file name corresponds to the name of the source file, with a ``.s'' suffix substituted for the suffix of the source file.


Creates an object file for each named source file, but does not link the object files into an executable. The object-file name corresponds to the name of the source file, with a ``.o'' suffix substituted for the suffix of the source file.

-o outfile

Create an executable named outfile. When specified with the -S option, the -o option is ignored. If neither -o and -c are not specified, a file named ``a.out'' is produced.


Use the file as the filemap instead of the default (FILEMAP). If this option is used in conjunction with the --implicit-filemap flag, then the file map is consulted first when mapping module names to files.

-i lib, --use=lib

Add the Moby library ``lib'' to the libraries used by the source file.


Use an implicit mapping from module and signature names to file names. A module or signature ``Foo'' is assumed to be defined in the file ``Foo.mby.''

-I path

Add the directory specified by path to the search path for Moby libraries.

-l library

Add the system library ``lib'' to the list of objects when linking.

-L path

Add the directory specified by path to the search path for system libraries.


Specifies that ``Module'' is the main module of the Moby program (the default is Main).


Print the compiler version number and then exit.


Run the compiler driver in verbose mode. This option can also be used with the --help flag to get a more detailed list of options.

RUNTIME OPTIONS The Moby runtime system recognizes a number of command-line options that allow one to configure the execution environment and to aid in debugging the compiler and runtime. The options that control runtime parameters are:

Specifies the number of pages allocated to the ``nursery'' (i.e., used for small-object allocation). The default is 64 pages (512Kb).

Specifies the number of allocation pages given to a task at one time. The default is 8 pages (64Kb).
The debugging flags allow various aspects of the runtime system to be traced. These flags are not available if the --nodebug linking option was specified.

Specifies a file for debugging output.

Prints a it of the debuggin options and exits.

Enables all runtime-system tracing.

Enables tracing of the garbage collector.

Enables tracing of the heap.

Enables tracing of the PC map registration and searching.

Enables tracing of the static-data registration.



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